Nail Polish Design Ideas With No Tool
I am typing with one finger today because I had hand surgery on both hands yesterday. So, out of necessity, I will be brief. :-) Kaitlyn is on deck today with some fun and easy DIY Nail Art ideas that I can't wait to try when my fingers are functional again. :-)Kaitlyn writes:I've never really been a nail art kind of gal. When I would get pedicures as a teenager I always had the nail technician paint a little flower on one of my toes, but that's about as crazy as I ever got.
Even now that nail art is a major trend I've just never wanted to pay the extra money to have the fancy stuff done. I've seen lots of tutorials online, but for someone who can barely paint their nails a single color without making a mess, the DIY version didn't appeal to me either. The thought of painstakingly painting designs that could be chipped off in a matter of minutes? No thank you.
But I recently came across some nail art designs that were so easy I had to try them out! Well, to be completely honest, Jill came across these nail designs and I got suckered into trying them out, haha. But I figure I really was the perfect guinea pig – because if I can do these designs then anyone can!
Polka Dots
All you need is two different colors of nail polish and a bobby pin.
Use one color of polish to paint your nails as you normally would.
Dip the end of a bobby pin into the other color and then carefully paint dots onto your nails. You'll want to just tap the nail with the bobby pin and then lift it straight up to prevent smearing.
I got about 2-3 dots with each dip of the bobby pin – anymore than that and the dot came out with a hole in the middle.
DIY Matte Top Coat
Matte nail polish is all the rage right now. I always thought you had to specifically buy a matte polish but you can actually just buy a matte topcoat to easily transform any of your favorite shiny polish colors into a chic matte look. And if you don't feel like buying a new topcoat you can DIY it!
Simply pour a bit of your favorite topcoat onto a paper plate. Add a pinch of cornstarch and mix with a toothpick.
Paint your nails with your new and improved topcoat. When it dries you'll see the matte transformation take place.
It's hard to see in this picture but I promise it works!
I just had ombre color done on my hair so I figured I better try it on my nails too! ;)
For this technique you'll need the polish color of your choice and a bottle of white polish.
You can create five different shades of your original polish simply by mixing in varying amounts of white polish. When I first started mixing the colors I thought, ok, I'll add one drop of white to the first batch, two drops to the second and so on. Aaaaand that didn't really work out. The little puddles of color I poured out onto my paper plate weren't all equal so I ended up just eyeing the color until it looked like one puddle was lighter than the last.
I also highly recommend only mixing one shade at a time and then painting it on your nails. I mixed all the shades at once and when I went to actually start painting, the polish had turned all gloopy from sitting out for too long. Which is why I don't have a picture of the polish on my nails. I was simply too impatient to remix the colors. See why I've never done nail art before? ;)
Here is a picture of what it SHOULD look like from
My patience also couldn't last through more than 3 different nail art attempts, so here are a few other super easy styles I'm thinking of trying sometime soon:
Glitter Ombre from DIT & O
Bonus Tip: I saw one of my favorite bloggers use the glitter ombre trick as a way to cover up nail growth after paying big bucks for a professional manicure. Love that idea! See it here.
DIY Glitter Polish from The Crafted Sparrow
Washi Tape Glitter Heart from The Beauty Department
French Manicure with a Bandaid from Champagne Taste On A Beer Budget
DIY Neon Polish from Michelle Phan
Colorblock Nails from Chalkboard Nails
Fan Brush Striped Nails from @simplenailartdesigns
Snakeskin Style Nails Using Fishnets fromAll You Magazine
Don't those look fun?!?
Here's one more tip to speed up the whole nail art process: Dip your wet nails in ice water to quick "freeze dry" them! Works like a charm!
What kind of nail art would you like to try?
Nail Polish Design Ideas With No Tool
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